Escaping Winter 2010 - Backpacking South Europe [MAP]

Tomten - The Land

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus

Midvinternattens köld är hård, 
stjärnorna gnistra och glimma. 
Alla sova i enslig gård 
djupt under midnattstimma. 
Månen vandrar sin tysta ban, 
snön lyser vit på fur och gran, 
snön lyser vit på taken. 
Endast tomten är vaken.

Står där så grå vid ladgårdsdörr, 
grå mot den vita driva, 
tittar, som många vintrar förr, 
upp emot månens skiva, 
tittar mot skogen, där gran och fur 
drar kring gården sin dunkla mur, 
grubblar, fast ej det lär båta, 
över en underlig gåta.

För sin hand genom skägg och hår, 
skakar huvud och hätta --- 
»nej, den gåtan är alltför svår, 
nej, jag gissar ej detta» --- 
slår, som han plägar, inom kort 
slika spörjande tankar bort, 
går att ordna och pyssla, 
går att sköta sin syssla.

Går till visthus och redskapshus, 
känner på alla låsen --- 
korna drömma vid månens ljus 
sommardrömmar i båsen; 
glömsk av sele och pisk och töm 
Pålle i stallet har ock en dröm: 
krubban han lutar över 
fylls av doftande klöver; ---

Går till stängslet för lamm och får, 
ser, hur de sova där inne; 
går till hönsen, där tuppen står 
stolt på sin högsta pinne; 
Karo i hundbots halm mår gott, 
vaknar och viftar svansen smått, 
Karo sin tomte känner, 
de äro gode vänner.

Tomten smyger sig sist att se 
husbondfolket det kära, 
länge och väl han märkt, att de 
hålla hans flit i ära; 
barnens kammar han sen på tå 
nalkas att se de söta små, 
ingen må det förtycka: 
det är hans största lycka.

Så har han sett dem, far och son, 
ren genom många leder 
slumra som barn; men varifrån 
kommo de väl hit neder? 
Släkte följde på släkte snart, 
blomstrade, åldrades, gick --- men vart? 
Gåtan, som icke låter 
gissa sig, kom så åter!

Tomten vandrar till ladans loft: 
där har han bo och fäste 
högt på skullen i höets doft, 
nära vid svalans näste; 
nu är väl svalans boning tom, 
men till våren med blad och blom 
kommer hon nog tillbaka, 
följd av sin näpna maka.

Då har hon alltid att kvittra om 
månget ett färdeminne, 
intet likväl om gåtan, som 
rör sig i tomtens sinne. 
Genom en springa i ladans vägg 
lyser månen på gubbens skägg, 
strimman på skägget blänker, 
tomten grubblar och tänker.

Tyst är skogen och nejden all, 
livet där ute är fruset, 
blott från fjärran av forsens fall 
höres helt sakta bruset. 
Tomten lyssnar och, halvt i dröm, 
tycker sig höra tidens ström, 
undrar, varthän den skall fara, 
undrar, var källan må vara.

Midvinternattens köld är hård, 
stjärnorna gnistra och glimma. 
Alla sova i enslig gård 
gott intill morgontimma. 
Månen sänker sin tysta ban, 
snön lyser vit på fur och gran, 
snön lyser vit på taken. 
Endast tomten är vaken.

Tomten by Viktor Rydberg
First time published in Ny Illustrerad Tidning, 1881

Twilight and Mist

"As evening fell, a maiden stood 
at the edge of a wood. 
In her hands lay the reins
of a stallion. 
And never I'd seen a girl as fair, 
heard a gentler voice anywhere, whispered, "Alas...".
 She belonged, belonged to another.. another forever.
 Yes, she belonged to the twilight and mist."

Always love this song!

Feedback yang bikin berbunga-bunga itu *lebay

Setelah berminggu – minggu dihajar assignment, quiz, lab, report, seminar, dan temen – temennya itu, senang juga dapat feedback dari asisten selain hanya Pass / Fail ;D 
And btw, I think Pehr also handsome, if he’s not my assistant :p
Here are the things that I’m talking about :*

Submission Feedback
* Generally a good report. Well written, all answers I expected are in there.
* The tables were intended to give a structure to the analysis of the set of messages, not a single message. Your solution was a bit unexpected, but the rest of the analysis is in the text, so it's fine.

About the feedback:
I will verify so the flow of the report follows the flow of the lab better next year. It was a typo, but I felt changing it would just cause more confusion. I left the schedule for the GPG lab open on purpose to let students choose when to work on the material more freely, even if it overlapped the other labs and seminars.

Dear Pehr, Thank you for the feedback, actually I don't have any idea you will give feedback before the deadline. But honestly, the point that u have mentioned is the thing that i planed to verified to the other student, because actually i was not sure where should i put my analysis, in table part or in the example part, and i decided to put that to the example point. I still have 2 more days, and actually want to make some minor changes too, in the length of the report (which i think too much), the grammar, etc. Is that necessary for me to upload that new version, since you already checked this report? Once again, thank you for your feedback and reply.

From: Pehr Söderman
Date: 7 december 2010 14.47.45 CET
To: Aidi
Subject: It's never a bad idea to fix the ...

It's never a bad idea to fix the last things and ensure your report looks good. I look forward to reading the updated report!


Thank you for the updated report. The tables are there and everything looks fine now.

dududu...Hopefully I pass the exam from his class today >.<

Unsent letter

sekian tahun umurku, 
masih tak mampu aku membalas sedikit saja dari besarnya jasamu,
masih juga menjadi sumber kekhawatiran aku bagimu,
masih belum sanggup aku membanggakan dan membahagiakanmu.
Semoga Allah memberikan kesempatan itu padaku, sebelum waktu ini terus beranjak pergi.
Dan ayah.. aku rindu. 
Kerinduan yang tak akan berakhir dan terkatakan.
Kuharap Allah selalu menjagamu, didunia ini dan diakhirat.

Stockholm, December 13, 2010

Almost going to Finland

From: "Secret Sender/K-S opiskelija-asuntosäätiö"
Date: xx maj 2010 08.01.19 CEST
Subject: Application for residence
Tämä on automaattivastaus.

Hei ! Aidi
Hakemuksesi on otettu vastaan. Hakemus on voimassa kolme kuukautta.
Opiskelutodistusta ei tarvise toimittaa, saamme opiskelijatiedot suoraan oppilaitokselta.
Vapautuvasta asunnosta lähetämme asuntotarjouksen noin kuukautta aikaisemmin. Voit halutessasi muuttaa hakemuksesi tietoja ottamalla yhteyttä asukastoimistoon.
Koas-asukkaan asunnonvaihtohakemus on voimassa siihen saakka kun haettua asuntoa tarjotaan.

KOAS asukastoimisto

This is an automatic answer to the web application.
We have received your application. We'll send the offers approximately one month before the lease would begin.
KOAS housing office

From: Secret Sender
Date: xx maj 2010 08.46.42 CEST
Subject: Koas

Dear Aidi Laili, I have your application for accommodation.  Autumn time is our peak time and we have a lot of students applying our apartments. We cannot promise we can offer apartment to all. Of August and September August is easier month and if possible I recommend rent the apartment from Aug 1.  We offer apartments about month earlier you want to start your lease. If you want to update information to your application leave message to me and I will do it.

Keski-Suomen opiskelija-asuntosäätiö - KOAS
Secret Sender,  tel. +35xxx


From: adek aidi
Date: xx maj 2010 10.29.54 CEST
To: Secret Sender
Subject: Re: Koas

Dear Secret Sender,

Thank you for the reply from you on behalf of KOAS. I've already read that the 1st September is the most peak season to arrange accommodation, as that date is the first day of new study year and semester. In order of that, I try to apply in advance through KOAS website even now I'm still waiting the official Letter of Acceptance from the Secret University that should has been seen through postal address.

However, I'm afraid I cannot confirm you right now to change my application to become 1 month in advance (1st August), because firstly I still must arrange the visa from Finland Embassy in Jakarta - Indonesia (after get LoA) as international student to get the exact day of of my arrival date.

I do still hope that KOAS could help me to find the apartment for that 1st September. However, I will contact you as soon as possible if there is an opportunity for me to change my arrival date and change my application information.

Once again, thank you for your help and respond.

Best Regards,


From: adek aidi
Date: xx april 2010 10.20.23 CEST
Subject: [ASK] Living in Finland

Dear all,
apakah ada di antara rekan - rekan yang pernah / sedang bekerja / study di finland ?
mohon bantuan informasi general living cost, ceapest flight, flat, serta tips & trik hidup di finland.
terima kasih

From: "Faisal xx"
Date: 23 april 2010 10.30.12 CEST
To: "xx!"
Subject: Re: [ASK] Living in Finland

Hello Adek,

Saya bs sambungkan dgn seorang kawan yg kerja di Nokia Finland bila diperlukan. Yg sudah jelas kesan yg paling kental adalah muahal :-)
From: adek aidi
Date: xx april 2010 10.50.44 CEST
To: Faisal xx
Subject: Re: [ASK] Living in Finland

Halo mas Faisal,

Terima kasih untuk tanggapan dan informasi anda.
Saya ingin mengetahui lebih dalam tentang hidup di finland untuk persiapan study S2 di salah satu universitas (dan mudah - mudah kedepannya bisa langsung berkerja disana).   Saya sangat berterima kasih jika anda dapat memberi informasi rekan dari indonesia yang sudah lebih dulu disana untuk berdiskusi mengenai situasi dan tip & trip survive di negara ini.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih untuk respons anda

Date: xx april 2010 12.27.17 CEST
To: "adek aidi"
Subject: Re: [ASK] Living in Finland

Hello Adek,

Studynya diuniversity mana? Dapat beasiswa?
Temen sy kerja as programmer di Nokia di Helsinski sejak 2006, namanya Mohammad xx jd cocok dgn backgroundnya Adek sepertinya. Taun 2008 sempat sy berkunjung ke Helsinski semingguan kesan saya :
1. Living cost mahal.
2. Bila Anda seorang muslim, beribadah sholat lima waktu jd satu hal yg berat krn masalah geografis sehingga waktu sholat tdk beraturan.

Detailnya ntar bisa didiskusikan dgn Mohammad xx.


From: adek aidi
Date: xx april 2010 16.57.57 CEST
Subject: Re: [ASK] Living in Finland

Mas faisal,
terima kasih untuk informasi anda.
Segera saya akan menghubungi mas mohammad xx, mudah-mudahan beliau
berkenan dan tidak mengganggu.
Sukses dan lancar juga untuk anda dan pekerjaan.

adek aidi

Lähettäjä: Adek Aidi []
Lähetetty: xx. heinäkuuta 2010 6:33
Vastaanottaja: Satu xx/K-S opiskelija-asuntosäätiö
Aihe: Re: Asuntotarjous

Dear Secret Sender,

With this email, I inform you the cancellation for the reservations of the room that offered to me by KOAS, due to the reason of my declination to the study program at the Secret University at this autumn 2010.

I need to say thank you for your kindness on behalf KOAS to help me find accommodation in Secret City as my request date, even during this peak time.

Best  Regards,


From: Secret Sender
Date: xx juli 2010 12.37.15 CEST
Subject: VS: Asuntotarjous

Dear Aidi,
thank you for your message and information. Offer and application cancelled.

All the best for you, Satu.

From: Secret Sender
Date: xx juli 2010 13.37.27 CEST
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Confirmation of enrolment

Dear Secret Programme student,

This is a kind reminder that we have not yet received your confirmation of enrolment on the Master's degree Secret Programme. Please fill in the Confirmation Form (violet form), which was sent to you with the Letter of Admission, and return to us even if you have decided to decline the offer and to not enrol on the programme.

If you do wish to enrol on the programme, please enclose the (green) Registration Form and a copy of the receipt of Student Union fee payment with the Confirmation form. The deadline for the forms to be received by the Faculty is the 3 August at the very latest. As this is a part of a process linked to the national student record, we are unable to accept your confirmation after that date.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the matter, please do not hesitate to get back to me. Please note that I will be on annual leave on 22-30 July. I hope to see you here in Secret city in September!

Kind regards,
Secret Sender

From: Secret Sender
Date: xx augusti 2010 12.09.15 CEST
To: adek aidi
Subject: Fwd: Confirmation of enrolment

Dear Aidi,

This is a final reminder that if you want to accept the offer of a study place and enrol on the Master's Degree Secret Programme at the Secret University Finland, we must receive your Confirmation Form by tomorrow, 3 August 2010. This may be done by signing the form and e-mailing it as a scanned attachment, followed by the original hard copy in the post.

If you have decided not to enrol on the programme, we wish you all the best for your future studies and career.

Secret Sender

From: Adek Aidi
Date: xx augusti 2010 14.59.55 CEST
To: Secret Sender
Subject: Re: Confirmation of enrolment

Dear Secret Sender,

Thank you for reminding me to confirm my enrolment on the Master's degree Secret Programme at the Secret University, Finland.

I have sent a postal letter to the university, contains Confirmation Form of my enrollment in the programme since July 20, 2010. I hope the Faculty would receive that letter at the 3 August 2010 by late. However, by this email and its attachment (scan of confirmation form), I state my decision to decline the offer on the above-mentioned study place and to not enroll on the programme.

I want to thank you for your kindness during the admission period and the opportunity that has been given to me by the Selection Board to join to the Master's degree Secret Programme 2010-2012.

Best Regard,


From: Secret Sender
Date: xx augusti 2010 15.11.28 CEST
To: Adek Aidi
Subject: Re: Confirmation of enrolment

Dear Aidi,

Thank you for your prompt response. We have not received your letter as yet but as you are declining the offer, this e-mail will suffice for the deadline. We are sorry to hear that we will not be seeing you here in Jyväskylä after all.

We would very much appreciate any feedback on the reasons behind your decision, e.g. if you have obtained a study place elsewhere. All the best for your future studies and career.

Secret Sender