Setelah berminggu – minggu dihajar assignment, quiz, lab, report, seminar, dan temen – temennya itu, senang juga dapat feedback dari asisten selain hanya Pass / Fail ;D
And btw, I think Pehr also handsome, if he’s not my assistant :p
Here are the things that I’m talking about :*
Submission Feedback
* Generally a good report. Well written, all answers I expected are in there.
* The tables were intended to give a structure to the analysis of the set of messages, not a single message. Your solution was a bit unexpected, but the rest of the analysis is in the text, so it's fine.
About the feedback:
I will verify so the flow of the report follows the flow of the lab better next year. It was a typo, but I felt changing it would just cause more confusion. I left the schedule for the GPG lab open on purpose to let students choose when to work on the material more freely, even if it overlapped the other labs and seminars.
Dear Pehr, Thank you for the feedback, actually I don't have any idea you will give feedback before the deadline. But honestly, the point that u have mentioned is the thing that i planed to verified to the other student, because actually i was not sure where should i put my analysis, in table part or in the example part, and i decided to put that to the example point. I still have 2 more days, and actually want to make some minor changes too, in the length of the report (which i think too much), the grammar, etc. Is that necessary for me to upload that new version, since you already checked this report? Once again, thank you for your feedback and reply.
From: Pehr Söderman
Date: 7 december 2010 14.47.45 CET
To: Aidi
Subject: It's never a bad idea to fix the ...
It's never a bad idea to fix the last things and ensure your report looks good. I look forward to reading the updated report!
Thank you for the updated report. The tables are there and everything looks fine now.
dududu...Hopefully I pass the exam from his class today >.<
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