Musim Gugur kedua di Stockholm

Hari ini eropa dan kota-kota di beberapa belahanbumi, waktu 1 hari hanya 23 jam, karena berakhirnya daylight time saving, yangberarti sudah resmi musim gugur, dan musim dingin sudah tak sabar menunggu. Musim dingin di skandinavia / belahan bumi utarasedikit unik dari negara-negara di eropa daratan.
Musim dingin tidak hanya berartidingin, yang sedikit lebih dingin, tapi juga kegelapan yang panjang dan waktushalat yang mepet, membuat hidup di rantau sedikit lebih sulit.

But something that doesn't kill you, makes youstronger, dont you?

Video: Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011

Thisis a video of our KTH Summer CSD 2011 project. Enjoy!

Acknowledge: Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 Final Report

Below is the quote of acknowledge that appear in Final report of Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 project. The full document can be found in this link 


Our first experience in CSD project at TelecommunicationSystem Laboratory (KTH/ICT/TSLab) has been successful. We want to thank to thesupport of the management, consulting experts, staffs, Summer CSD teaching team, coach andco-coaches for their support and cooperation, and wish to acknowledge all of them. Here, we wish to makespecial mentions of the following:

First, we are thankful to our project Champion, Professor BjörnPerhson, who provided us the opportunity to experience the industrial and reallife challenge in academic multi flavor environments. He expressed his trustand gave chance to explore our hidden capabilities, while continuously provided hisguidelines and advices. We are wholeheartedly thankful to him for giving us hisvaluable time, attention and systematic way to complete all of ourobjectives. 

We must make special mention to our co-coaches andconsultants: Mr. Michel Hognerud; Ms. My Andenberg, aswithout her consistent supervision, especially for the project management, itwould be impossible for us to achieve our entire objectives; Mr. Robert Olsson and Mr. BerntSundström, for their guidance in the technical hardware issues faced during theproject; Mr. Bruce Zamaere and Mr. Pehr Soderman, for their kindness in helping us out fromunpredictable technical storm; Mr. Voravit Tanyingnyong, for providing access to theequipments that made us could keep continue our research.

Moreover, we would like to acknowledge the effortsmade by developersand researchers in Android, IOIO, Voyage OS, DTNRG, DTN2, SunSPOT, Bytewalla 1,Bytewalla 2, Bytewalla 3, and Bytewalla 4 team, who have designed such a greatprotocol, platform and application which enable us to did our work.

The last, we express our gratitude to our main coach Mr. Hervé Ntareme, who provided uswith a strong foundation, continuously assisted in various problems encountered during theproject, helped us in keeping our moral high, and open the opportunity topresent the results of this project.

Reflection: Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 Lesson Learned & Contribution List

Below is the quote of my reflection after finishing Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 project. The full document can be found in this link 

WhatI learned and my contribution as Project Manager
I was interested in CSDsince the first time when I chosen to continue master degree in CommunicationSystems KTH. Tobe honest, I did not expect to take responsibility as Project Manager as I plannedto fully concentrate on engineering side, while boosting my skill in working ininternational environments.  Eventough I have worked with professional from various backgrounds and nationalitiesin last work experience, as well leadership experiences, I realize everyleadership opportunity has its own challenge and gives its own lesson,s andyes, it is proven again it to me, when I took my role as leader in my CSD course. 

Our team has faced problems and we solved it together. I didmistakes during my time as Project Manager, however, by constant guidance ofcoaches and feedback from other team members, I recovered and learnt to avoidit. This over me opportunity to hand on with Scrum Agile methodology, and I usedto interact with external stakeholders and upper management, got lotopportunities to improve my bargain and communication mastery, as same presentation,reporting and documentation skill, as I mainly responsible to write almostdocumentations and presentations and also constantly assure their quality. Facing thework flow and implementing work breakdown structure also have became such familiarthings: calculating team member’s capability, splitting, prioritizing andscheduling the works, so it can be achieved within the deadline.

The importantpart for me is, it treated me on how to keep building trust to my fellows. Ifelt how I was pushed to develop patience to react on other people’sindifference and mistakes in their responsible tasks. I learned how continuously to be consistent and improviseat the same time, manage and optimize on utilizing the resources. These areeasy to be done in short range time, but not in long time like CSD project. Onthe situation like that, I was often encouraged on practice giving attention on small things, to maintain thequality of our works. I learnt how to accept and give feedback using the waythat can be accepted by the others; lead discussion and health debate that moveto win-win and valuable result, and resolve contradiction. I was understand Ihave to keep unity of my team while at the same time made controlled pressure,sowe havesame awareness about every aspect in this project and work to the best resultthat we can make. I developed skill to keep motivating myself and all teammembers, make all of us believe we can solve the challenges and provide thebest result, if we keep our faith and work in efficient manner.

WhatI learned and my contribution as Software Engineer
Working in programming task is not a new thing to me, as Ihave professional work experience on it, but the technical aspects in workingin Condroid were about programming, networking, and research. The mostfascinating thing is when realize these are unexplored areas. I felt like beinga child again, and was offered a lot new toys, but the opportunity to play withit only during specific range of time! I took opportunity as Software Engineerand Technical Leader in WSN/DTN area. This happened not because I was exitedabout handing technical matter, but also calculating team member’s interest. Eventough I wanted to hands on in Android (Remote Management), as my previousexperience as mobile developer, I have to aside my personal ego, and filled theempty role. All of us have not much experience, both in Android, or DTN andevent WSN area. In that situation, every part would be the starting point, thusthe interest and passion would make difference. After several months, I realizethe meaning behind these things, as I have tough master thesis and doctoralresearch in the area of cognitive network, which would be exited to be combinedwith wireless sensor.  

However, at the first following months, all of us involve inRemote management. I leaded my Software engineers in schematic research, eventough we did not know what exactly we should do, and it was easy to fell onboredom when we do not have point to go. And as the time moved on and we onlyhave limited time, I clearly recognized this was critical period. During thosedays, I learnt the concept of serial level (TTL, RS232), found out the map ofpossible available serial connection technologies in Android (Bluetooth, AudioJack, ADB, ADK). Then pointed out and spitted the task among my team members aboutthe things that need detail research, which were ADB (IOIO, Microbridge,xDevelop) and ADK (Modern device, RT Corp, DIY Drones, Microchip), as weskipped the other 2 after I learnt they are unsuitable approaches for ourproject.

I got opportunity to learn, not just to convince my teammates, but also presented the idea to our Champion, coaches, and consultants thatthis was correct and better rather than other choices (NDK and FTDI), eventought at that time none of us has much knowledge about that.  After finishing this project, I canclearly see this part is one of important finding that pointed out, not justour project direction, but also the next project after us. The most amazingthing to me is, these things were found in limited time, and where thistechnology was still very new and not much people out there have handed on toit.

In WSN/DTN, I learnt many aspects in embedded system,wireless sensor and DTN, and took 2.5 months to deal with it. Taking care thispart made Qing An and I get used to deal with Linux environment, which I wasnot confidence before. And the most interesting part is, we did not just dealwith usual Linux, but also Voyage, Linux on embedded system, where not muchpeople have handed on it! I researched how to configure the system in this OS: networkinterface, WiFI AP, DHCP, DNS, Apache, MySQL, Hostapd, DTN, SunSPOT, etc, troubleshoot various problems and even found couple bugs of the services that run onit. I used my mastery in Java to implement the SPOT, Gateway Sender and Receiverthat provide the core of the WSN/DTN gateway functionalities. We struggled alot to make achievement in this WSN/DTN part, learnt from the scratch withminimum supervision. But from that I got opportunities to discuss withresearchers in these areas (Voyage OS, SunSPOT, DTNRG, DTN2) and used to read scientificpapers and technical articles, and find out what we need in efficient amount oftime. I got challenges to make comprehensive technical documentations, which notjust become guidance for the next team, but also appear as the first page insearch engine, which means not many (or maybe, none) researchers have done specificthings we have done.

After finishing this project, I am proud with our team, howwe could passed all challenges, what we have learned, and even with limitedresources, still we provide the great result, even tough not 100%. This makes mebelieve, every of us always have hidden capabilities that we never explorebefore. I believe every of us can take any new challenge and accomplish it, aslong as we work hard and keep our faith. This is what CSD environment andespecially, as what our Champion and Coaches taught us. And I am thankful have ever been under theirsupervision

Press Release: Condroid KTH CSD Summer 2011 project

For Immediate Release,
Stockholm October 13,2011

KTH implements WSN/DTNGateway and Remote Management Application for Isolated/Remote environment

Condroid, a KTH projectconducted in TSLab has developed revolutionary solutions to connect theisolated network equipment and remote infrastructure to the outside world.

Condroid consists of 5master students that develop Remote Management software for android phone,which make it enable to communicate with the network equipment that situatedfar away in the isolated area. This research software makes it possible toconfigure and monitor the network equipment through available connections. Inthis pilot project we have implemented the SMS module as one of the controlchannel. The remote management would possible to be deployed and tested in apilot network, such as SomaliREN, in long distance WiFi inter-city connectionbetween SomaliREN NOC, in Hargeisa city and Amood University, in Borama city.

Condroid project also hassuccessfully implemented a flexible WTN/DTN Gateway, an innovative solutionthat combining the Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) approach into the WirelessSensor Network (WSN). This solution is intended to solve the technical issuesin carrying the data from the spatially distributed autonomous WSN motes to theoutside world. The WSN motes are deployed to monitor physical or environmentalconditions, connected to a WSN Gateway, which collects the information receivedfrom nodes, stores them in a database, and provides interfaces between thesensor network and the external network infrastructure, by making make themavailable via WiFi link and Bytewalla. Bytewalla, a DTN implementation on Android,act as postmen that carry the sensor data.

For more informationabout Condroid Project, you are welcomed to attend our presentation on October13, 2011 and the exhibition on October 14, 2011.

Address: Forum, KTH KistaCampus (Isafjordsgatan 39)
Contact: Project Manager- Laili Aidi

D-Exhibition Day: Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 project

Justpassed the final D-Exhibition day.. got approaches to join with interestingprojects for thesis and job from couple companies. But the most rememberingpart today was, when getting simple sentence from my 'Dumbledore', simplesentence that definitely pay all the hard works during these several months: "Well done, your team has proved theconcept work, congratulation."


"Bukankah Kami telahmelapangkan untukmu dadamu? Dan kami telah menghilangkan darimu bebanmu? yangmemberatkan punggungmu? Dan kami tinggikan bagimu sebutan (nama)mu? Karenasesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitanitu ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari suatu urusan),kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya kepadaTuhan-mulah hendaknya kamu berharap.(Al-Insyiroh 1-8)

D-Presentation Day: Condroid - KTH Summer CSD 2011 project

00.56 AM, Thursday October 13, 2011..just arrived from my campus, just finish the final presentation for theproject, little bit sad remembering this is probably the last day have to stayin TSLab until late at night, gonna miss the moment in condroid a lot. 

RIP Steve Jobs

"Youhave to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in mylife."

"Yourtime is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trappedby dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don'tlet the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. Andmost important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Theysomehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

Rest inPeace, Steve Jobs. 

Tips Memilih Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia

Ini tips memilih asuransi kesehatan bukan sekedar iklan di postingan yang kemarin Adira asuransi kendaraan terbaik Indonesia yang sedang gencarnya dipromosiin.

Asuransi kesehatan sangatlah penting untuk individu yang masih single maupun sudah berkeluarga. Seperti yang kita ketahui, biaya yang dikeluarkan pada saat masuk rumah sakit tidaklah murah. Hal ini biasanya tidak cepat disadari sampai kita mengalaminya sendiri. Ini adalah beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum membeli asuransi kesehatan :

1. Anda harus memilih apakah ingin rawat inap ditambah dengan rawat jalan, atau salah satu saja. Di beberapa asuransi malah ada beberapa tambahan lainnya seperti melahirkan, mata, gigi dan sebagainya. Pilihlah sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda

Quote: 2. Untuk rawat inap, anda dapat menentukan kamar kelas berapa yang diinginkan.VVIP, VIP, kelas 2 dan kelas 3.

Quote: 3. Apabila anda sudah mendapatkan asuransi kesehatan dari kantor, check apa saja yang dicover. Apakah sudah cukup dengan kebutuhan anda?apabila belum anda dapat membeli asuransi tambahan cukup dengan melihat selisih kekurangannya. (Dapat menggunakan biaya kamar sebagai patokan)

Quote: 4. Lihatlah rumah sakit terdekat dengan tempat tinggal atau kantor dan tanyakan kepada pihak asuransi apakah ada kerjasama antara rumah sakit yang anda inginkan untuk mempermudah proses claim.

Quote: 5. Tanyalah kepada pihak rumah sakit, asuransi mana yang mereka rekomendasikan. Karena pihak rumah sakit pasti akan lebih memilih asuransi yang apabila mereka claim, langsung cepat proses pembayarannya.

Quote: 6. Asuransi kesehatan ada yang sistem reimburse dan ada yang hanya cukup menggunakan kartu. Biasanya asuransi kesehatan dapat digunakan untuk hampir sempua rumah sakit dengan sistem reimburse tetapi tidak semua menerima kartu kecuali rumah sakit rekanan. Tanyakan kepada agent asuransi, rumah sakit mana saja yang merupakan rekanan mereka.

Quote: 7. Cari agen yang sudah lama di bisnis asuransi dan dapat diandalkan apabila anda membutuhkan beliau untuk proses klaim dan lain sebagainya.

Quote: 8. Ada asuransi kesehatan yang memberikan batasan – batasan biaya. Seperti bedah kecil Rp. Xxxx dan obat-obatan . Ada juga yang memberikan batasan bukan per item melainkan per tahun. Contoh : Dalam satu tahun anda diberi batasan Rp.200.000.000,- dan batasan itu dapat digunakan untuk item yang mana saja kecuali kamar (karena sudah ditentukan dari awal)

Quote: 9. Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri, apakah ada penyakit turunan yang berbahaya atau tidak?Kalau ada dan dibutuhkan anda dapat menambah asuransi penyakit kritis. Tapi anda harus ingat pada asuransi penyakit kritis, dana hanya akan keluar pada saat penyakit anda sudah sangat parah. Contoh: Kanker stadium 3 atau 4.

Quote: 10. Pilihlah asuransi kesehatan murni, untuk coverage yang lebih maksimal. Pastikan kebutuhan anda dengan tepat. Anda boleh meminta opini kepada orang lain tetapi keputusan tetap di tangan anda, karena bukan orang lain yang membayar premi melainkan anda sendiri. Jangan menambah rider yang anda tidak perlu. semoga tips memilih asuransi kesehatan ini bermanfaat